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Mizuno Replication

Keep up to date with experiments based on the work of Dr. Tadahiko Mizuno right here. The current unique high pressure and temperature experiment is sponsored and supported by Professor Jean-Paul Biberian and Pierre Clauzon

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Mizuno cell almost ready to produce data!

Written by Mathieu Valat on .

A little update on this tiny experiement, the pressure vessel has been run two times.

The first time was dedicated to the calibration measurement of the energy loss at specific pressure. We ran a resistror inside the vessel and measured the quantity of heat that was expelled from convection and conduction. This way we know what the performance of the system is when there is just passive heating. 

Also, the cathode has now been made, so the system became fully operational!

Re-filling the electrolyte in the cell.


The second experiment was the first real test. Pierre Clauzon had been imagining this experiment for a long time, so he decided to come by, driven by his excitmement to see how it worked. First he was very surprised by the size of the system. He expected a much bigger vase.

Then Jean-Paul and Pierre decided to cover the entire range of operating conditions. They were a bit frustrated to see that no excess energy was expelled from the system until they reached 5 bar. Then the system had a very unexpected failure. The aluminate tube that covers the tungsten rod broke in many pieces, we don't know.

See in this image below.

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