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Bank Account Certification

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It took a REALLY long time to set up the Kickstarter, but we didn't think the bank account would be a big deal. Boy were we wrong, they had a box for non-profit and a box for international organisation, but not one for both. So after a few weeks of debate with a nice banker who studied physics and was fascinated about our work, Julian had a meeting. The net result is he had to sign a bunch of stuff and then they sent it to Bob's office address in India for counter signing. Bob then had to...

It took a REALLY long time to set up the Kickstarter, but we didn't think the bank account would be a big deal. Boy were we wrong, they had a box for non-profit and a box for international organisation, but not one for both. So after a few weeks of debate with a nice banker who studied physics and was fascinated about our work, Julian had a meeting. The net result is he had to sign a bunch of stuff and then they sent it to Bob's office address in India for counter signing. Bob then had to present himself with a bunch of original and photocopied documents proving his identity and legitamacy. The documents are then sent in the internal HSBC mail, so that they cannot be opened by prying national "security" agencies.