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Amount $10.00

Top 10 Paypal Donors

Name Amount ($)
Wouter Keller 3,000.00
Bobcat Sweden 3,000.00
Dana Seccombe 2,500.00
Robert McKay 2,000.00
John Oman 1,500.00
Donald Martin 1,500.00
Sam Hall 1,000.00
Jed Rothwell 1,000.00
Tomas Andersson 1,000.00
Giorgio Vassallo 1,000.00

This sensor has seen better days.

It is made from 0.040” stainless cladding around tiny thermocouple wires insulated in ceramic beads.

The sensor tip was welded in our shop with an oxy-acetylene flame and then coated with a ceramic paste to insulate it from the metal shell.

It would love to live out it’s life as a conversation piece.

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