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Amount $10.00

Top 10 Paypal Donors

Name Amount ($)
Wouter Keller 3,000.00
Bobcat Sweden 3,000.00
Dana Seccombe 2,500.00
Robert McKay 2,000.00
John Oman 1,500.00
Donald Martin 1,500.00
Sam Hall 1,000.00
Jed Rothwell 1,000.00
Tomas Andersson 1,000.00
Giorgio Vassallo 1,000.00

These are silicone gaskets that got replaced from test cell #1.

These serve to seal the end of the glass tube to the stainless steel flange and they have to be in perfect condition to make a tight seal.

Hydrogen is tricky little atom and requires flawless gaskets.

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