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THOR 13 Novembre 2023 Robert Greenyer 9564
XENO 17 Dicembre 2021 Robert Greenyer 10039
"Lattice Energy Convertor" Replication by Alan Goldwater 16 Dicembre 2021 Robert Greenyer 16864
EVAC 01 Giugno 2020 Robert Greenyer 8219
Super NOVA testing 01 Aprile 2020 Robert Greenyer 8795
MIZUNO Analogue experiment + me356 Pd/Ni Mesh 24 Gennaio 2023 Robert Greenyer 14200
Atomic Phoenix - Brown Gas generator project 06 Marzo 2020 Robert Greenyer 11181
ULTR - Affordable ultrasonic driven transmutation? 06 Ottobre 2019 Robert Greenyer 37998
AURA: GO [UPDATE #1 - Recording of sparge testing] 27 Maggio 2017 Robert Greenyer 14683
HOMO - Parkhomov reactor sample tests 18 Maggio 2017 Robert Greenyer 448456
Bob Higgins to test HCl / ultrasound treated AH50 Ni frozen powder...[UPDATE#1 - Experiment is LIVE!] 04 Maggio 2017 Robert Greenyer 12688
Super accurate Mass Flow Calorimetry 28 Aprile 2017 Robert Greenyer 9002
Bob Higgins starting new experiment with Pd coated Nickel foam and LiAlD4 [UPDATE#01 - Experiment Ended, next experiment detailed] 23 Aprile 2017 Robert Greenyer 11655
Bob Higgins commences fully automated Ni + LiAlH4 experiment 02 Aprile 2017 Robert Greenyer 13802
ECCO [UPDATE #1 - Working collaborative documents] 14 Giugno 2017 Robert Greenyer 22530
Lugano Thermal Assessment Take 2 12 Febbraio 2017 Robert Greenyer 13578
Cosmic Ray Finder - A muon spotter? 03 Febbraio 2017 Robert Greenyer 11892
MFMP preparing for *GlowStick* 5.4 and 5.5 experiments 03 Febbraio 2017 Robert Greenyer 7298
Stanford Energy Club : Nuclear Energy Community Kickoff: LENR Panel 29 Gennaio 2017 Robert Greenyer 6883
Help us trawl the declassified CIA archives! 19 Gennaio 2017 Robert Greenyer 8085
.:StarDust:. [UPDATE#2 - Part 2: Matryoshka] 12 Gennaio 2017 Robert Greenyer 14023
Life changing 04 Gennaio 2017 Robert Greenyer 14449
Doppelgänger 26 Settembre 2016 Robert Greenyer 16522
LENR LIVE proposal 2: The smoking gun 26 Settembre 2016 Robert Greenyer 18857
LENR LIVE proposal 1: The neutron sparkler 26 Settembre 2016 Robert Greenyer 8046
(ClamShell) A low input power, high temperature reactor 25 Settembre 2016 Robert Greenyer 8686
MFMP Presentation in Silicon Valley announces intended future activity, including on-site cooperation with Aarhus Nano Technology University in Denmark 22 Agosto 2016 Robert Greenyer 12022
The New Fire's 100+ year gestation 22 Luglio 2016 Robert Greenyer 8873
Bob Higgins open sources affordable corona discharge Neutron detection system [UPDATE#3 - Bob Higgins published version 1.0 of his apparatus] 03 Settembre 2016 Robert Greenyer 17043
Padua Cell - did we bake a cake? [UPDATE#1 - Fuel components tested now alongside ash re-test] 22 Agosto 2016 Robert Greenyer 9609

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