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MFMP preparing for *GlowStick* 5.4 and 5.5 experiments

Scritto da Robert Greenyer on .

GS 5.4 and 5.5 are aimed to test aspects of Piantelli, Godes, Sarg and Holmlid theories
Huge thanks to Brian Albiston who came down and worked tirelessly over four days straight at very short notice to help the MFMP put together an all-new shiny data acquisition and broadcasting configuration for the up coming GS 5.4 and 5.5 experiments.
Here is a preview of the data feeds for GS 5.4 - check them out!
We also hope to have Muon detection and Hydrogen Leak detection

How to engage with GlowStick 5.4 and 5.5 

Click here to learn more about 'Steem'

Click here to sign up and get ready for GS 5.4 and 5.5

This video walks the user through use of the plot.ly graphs we will be using in GS 5.4 and 5.5 experiments

Quick look at GS5.4 & 5.5 sensors 

Winding the heater coil for GS 5.4 / 5.5

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0 #8 Robert Greenyer 2017-02-25 00:29
Thanks B.Nicolotti

Yes Fe is a good candidate.
0 #7 B.Nicolotti 2017-02-22 13:30
Please consider Iron(Fe) as an element that enable dissociation of molecular H2 to atomic H, for example see this document
0 #6 Robert Greenyer 2017-02-11 12:46
Hi Fredrick,

I left earlier in the week and the reactor has, for now, been powered off.
0 #5 Fredrick Hibbs 2017-02-10 16:31
Quoting Robert Greenyer:
It went down for a few days from 0.5 bar at 337ºC internal to 0.25 bar approx. at 392ºC internal during the start of the main run.

That early result appeared to show that Hydrogen was being absorbed by the Nickel matrix. If you can prove that is still happening and that there is no leak, then Gs 5.4 could continue in 2 days time with another "shock" (cold H2 injection) to try and get an outburst of stored up high-energy protons from out of the Nickel matrix...
0 #4 Robert Greenyer 2017-02-10 15:27
@Fredrick Hibbs

It went down for a few days from 0.5 bar at 337ºC internal to 0.25 bar approx. at 392ºC internal during the start of the main run.

I will ask Alan to drop it to 0.5 bar again via the vacuum reserve and see if the continuous drop is again observed.
0 #3 Fredrick Hibbs 2017-02-10 13:30
@Bob Greenyer: Plotly shows pressure has been slowly dropping from 4 Bar for 2 days now - at a rate of about 0.15 psi per hour. Skeptics will say you have got a hydrogen leak! Please may I suggest you go back down to sub-atmospheric pressure (at the same temperature as now) and then look to see whether the absolute pressure rises slowly (due to leakage) or continues to fall slowly (due to nickel absorption)...
0 #2 Robert Greenyer 2017-02-10 11:56
Hi Fredric,

Thanks for doing that. With getting all the new data streams and sensors operational and recording and publishing key event, I missed this.

The experiment is on-going, all be it just ticking over gathering data.

We have learnt a lot in this run and there are some issues remaining like the Power monitor dropping out and the resolution from the Optris.
0 #1 Fredrick Hibbs 2017-02-07 10:44
Why do you not provide a link here to the MFMP Live Links page?


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