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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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As Echo rightly pointed out, hard drives are now fixed and software patched so live data for the US including the calibration of the V1.3 cells and some data for the Concentric Calorimeter is being posted as well as back data from the EU.

Switch Polarity

In a conversation with Celani this week, he said – switch the polarity on the wires, it improves the effect. Effectively an “alternating DC” – something about electron migration and thermal gradients. Other research have signalled that the rising edge of a change is important.

What kind of circuit should be employed and what rate of polarity switching. Any ideas?

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0 #94 Ron B 2013-06-19 20:36
The data viewer has changed today? I can't get any visual on the CTC but I see on the EU Cells that we can now view multiple channels at the same time with different full screen scales. This is excellent progress. Thanks team!! Awesome work.
0 #93 Ecco 2013-06-19 20:08
For some reason at 21:42 CET pressure suddenly decreased from about 3.62 bar to 3.56 bar. That's also about when active wire resistance increased a bit temporarily.
0 #92 Ecco 2013-06-19 19:58
@Ron B: I definitely think that was intentional. I think they rolled back to ~250mw because at this stage they probably only want to apply a minimal amount of current into the wire just to get reliable resistance readings.
0 #91 Ron B 2013-06-19 19:49
#90 Ecco

There's 250mw of power going to the CuNi wire. It was twice that for a small while but then down to 250. I'm not sure if that's intentional or some bi-metallic reaction with the CuNi??
Indeed it's very interesting to watch the resistance.
0 #90 Ecco 2013-06-19 19:21
By the way, it's interesting to see that as soon as active wire resistance started dropping at 21:07, T_Mica temperature (and other ones to some extent) started increasing. What's interesting is that the active wire is being passively heated.
0 #89 Ecco 2013-06-19 19:04
@MFMP: I see from the EU experiment log (from which I am, not very straightforward ly, getting RSS update notifications) that hydrogen loading on EU cell 1.3A just began.

Again (I think I've already written something like this in a few occasions in the past months), I believe that such important events should be announced in advance through the blog so that people know about them and can prepare in advance to follow them in real time.
0 #88 Ron B 2013-06-10 22:40
I must have missed the acetone experiment. Sorry about that. Sometimes life gets in the way of science :)

The data is not updating for me and the most current data I can get is yesterday afternoon.
Operation of the data monitor still has some mystery for me.
It seems to have changed a bit from when we first started. I do however really LOVE that you can highlight the waveform and get a reading out of it. If that feature has been there all along and I've only now discovered it then I feel even more dumb.
0 #87 Ryan Hunt 2013-06-10 21:21
Your wish is my command, Ron :)
0 #86 Ron B 2013-06-10 21:19
For that limited time the power was on this morning the resistance was going up so that's a good sign. The pressure was going up for some odd reason so that may be why the resistance was rising. It was curious that it appears that the core temp was going down. That doesn't explain at all why pressure was going up. Very odd.
I saw the net increase in power too was going to comment on it.
I don't think it would hurt anything to get it 8 hours of on time. That way we can be sure everything is stabilized and get the nominal values for both pressure and resistance.

Would it have still done that at a stable power input? I don't know. Advice?

I believe it would have and moreover, we had to wait quite some time for the first cells to start to show excess power. Some may have discounted that excess power, but I'm not one of them : )
0 #85 Ryan Hunt 2013-06-10 19:36
@ RonB - I was just about to shake things up, but then the pressure and resistance started to change and the indicated power out rose by about 50 mw. Would it have still done that at a stable power input? I don't know. Advice?
0 #84 Ron B 2013-06-10 19:31
I assume that the reason for the power cycling of the CTC is to try to trigger a reaction. It doesn't seem to be working so far. I wonder how long you will continue to try that?
Is it possible to let it just run at/near the critical temperature for a couple days? I'm keenly interested in the nominal value of the resistance and it's slope. It would also allow data collection on the pressure constancy.
0 #83 Ecco 2013-06-08 15:06
Public live data for the CTC cell is not being updated anymore. Are there problems or has the cell been switched off?
0 #82 Ron B 2013-06-08 05:50
Interesting increase in heat after power is at zero. "Life after Death"?
I had fun making a video of it!


View Test CTC: Air Jacket Test

06/07/2013 15:25:00 06/07/2013 16:00:00
0 #81 Ron B 2013-06-07 22:02
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. I remember we had those issues with resistance going through the roof as current approached zero but the odd thing about this is that the next sample in time has values even smaller in current and volts and the resistance calculation looks fine.
Perhaps you are right about some odd thing with averaging values over time.
0 #80 Ryan Hunt 2013-06-07 18:48
@ Ron B - I think what looks like a resistance rise there is because the power is being turned off and as the current goes to zero, the calculation get's wonky. On the next LENR-Stick cell with the multiple wires, we are going to sense the resistance with a small voltage that we never turn off, since the heat will be provided by the heating element around the outside of the stainless tube.
That still leaves the question of why the calculation was done wrong. We will examine whether it is in the readings themselves, or in the averaging of the readings.
0 #79 Ron B 2013-06-07 05:49
Curious glitch on the CTC resistance. It doubles in value for a couple of minutes. Also math errors from the program recording the data???
The HugData calculates 15.2068 while my calculator gets a different value. Very odd. (R=V/I)
The Geiger Counter also shows a 2x increase shortly after.

Date Current (A) Voltage (V) Power (W) Resistance (Ohms)
Output Power (W) Geiger Counter (V/V0) (Norm)

2013-06-06 18:57:30 -0.0021 0.0171 0 8.1461 10.7414 0.15

2013-06-06 18:57:00 0.0035 0.0585 0.0007 15.2058 12.8428 0.44 (resistance 16.7142)

2013-06-06 18:56:30 0.0686 0.5444 0.0428 7.978 15.6008 0.43

2013-06-06 18:56:00 0.1453 1.1442 0.1662 7.8761 19.8799 0.43
0 #78 Edwin Pell 2013-06-07 04:27
How about a step from 24 watts to 26 watts? If the 0.2 step made the out power go above the in power.
0 #77 Ron B 2013-06-06 05:13
@All, n the CTC does anyone know why the power keeps turning on an off?
0 #76 David Jones 2013-06-05 20:14

Got it I had to be logged in as a member - problem solved.

Circuit added for reference if reading post #75
0 #75 david jones 2013-06-05 20:03
Ecco – thank you. I think there is some other reason why I cannot post pictures – including no edit symbol present on my posts.
@74 Ecco. Gives the output waveforms of a simple ‘single-end push-pull switch – I do not think a ‘H’ double end switch is required here – but I can do a circuit for that also if desired. Power input is simply controlled via rep. rate and/or voltage. The capacitors C1 and C2 can be optimised for whatever voltage, power and frequency envelopes are required. Further as the DE FETS have an upper limit of ~65 MHz frequency operation and 1.8kW power handling I think this will provide adequate heating.

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