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News for Powder Cells [UPDATE #1 - Status of Cells]

Scritto da Wes Baish on .

The two powder tests lie stagnant for the moment, which their conditions have their merits amongst the boredom of flat data. I have cut a right turn and focused all my attention to building and programming the devices for the upcoming ICCF18 in Missouri. We've planned and commissioned functioning replicas of our US cells (gridlocked in tests at the moment). More information in that regard to come. 

Because my busy hands are turning wrenches, the powder cells rest comfortably in autopilot. We may need the down time to do some restructuring. 

R3: Oh what to Do?

R3's initial Hcharging immediately delivered thrilling data, however the honeymoon was unfavorably short. This lulling trend has me scratching my head and glancing back at our protocol quite frequently as I try to change my tune; I've strictly adhered to step 4 (hydrogen loading) with no cooperation from the powder! I expected soaring powder resistance, but was unprepared to see pitiful loading such as this. I can think of several options, escorted by several questions. . .

1) It would seem obvious the issue boils down to the low powder temperatures - a snafu easily solved by cranking up the heater power! Barring passive oxide layers on the nickel, we would probably see a positive loading effect (decreased pressure) with no irreversible damage to the piezoelectric powder. Voila. This is all fine and good, but opportunity lurks just around the corner, if we choose to pursue it. 

2) Turning the waveform dial seems to result in some tricky correlations in powder at low resistance. The first attempt at this, published here, was marginally fruitful due to Mega Ohm resistance. However hydrogen addition has lowered this stubborn barrier to AC field generation, and the powder temperature rapidly responds to the applied waves. This is the most encouraging result thus far in the test; we've had virtually no hydrogen loading yet the low powder resistance allows us to punch it with varying frequencies. It might be worth our while to have another go at applying frequencies to see how much the powder temperature rises above the ambient and/or shell temperature. 

What do you think? Jump into loading or slow down to take advantage of the unloaded powder cooperation?

R5: Off the Vacuum, on the Reef

R5's pressure dipped sufficiently low (2.44e-8) and can go no further. The thermal coupling from shell to powder was an interestingly-large gap that requires analysis, and it will be even better information when loading starts. I will install it on the reef today and set the shell to X watts that result in temperatures between 300-350°C in T_Shell. Then watch for 200psi hydrogen charging, and may the loading commence (I hope)! REMEMBER this means the vacuum data test will go silent and R5's data will return to the R5 test. 

Looking Foward to a New Test

I did a little study on thoria (thorium dioxide) and found it very intriguing. We would add it in the cell to try H-H bond polarization during dissociation on the Ni surface (as per Bob's suggestion earlier). It seems pretty stable stuff, chemically, though I could be wrong. If it IS reactive at operating temps, are there any objections to thoria-dispersed Ni? Does anybody know where to get that? It was a common hardening additive in Ni alloys but has since lost popularity due to its mild radiation.

We already have the link to purchasing thoria powder (thanks Bob!) and may go that direction after ICCF18. I can't say for sure - we never know what will happen around the date. Last time we ended up making an international organization! Wink

Thanks for the read!

[UPDATE #1 - Status of Cells]

R3: The uncertainty in R3's next step seems to have been solved for us. As fortune would have it the reef's endpoint electrical short reset the power control board and reset the control loop to 0W. I hadn't noticed this change until today (oops) and the cell had a nice quiet weekend to cool off its jacket heater. We're already 'here' so we'll take the time to run AC frequency sweeps again and look for interesting effects. I'm certainly looking forward to it because the powder is incredibly responsive right now and I expect some interesting, not flat data! Check the experiment log for specific times because T_Powder should readily fluctuate with AC power. 

R5: Some technical drama delayed the full re-installment of R5 onto the reef and R5 data stream. Having squashed the bugs, I will be cranking up R5's power and charging with hydrogen this afternoon. 

That's it for now!

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0 #9 LinneaJuicy 2018-08-15 10:33
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0 #8 Charlie 2013-08-01 16:22
@ Wes Baish,

Brilliant! I thought I was just making connections that weren't there so the acetone and Pd stuff is interesting.

Yes I have some literature as it happens, A very good ebook all about Graphene, Its Definitely worth reading, some of it is over my head but should be at your level.

Do you have an email address I can send it to?

Best Regards
0 #7 Wes Baish 2013-08-01 14:08
@Charlie Not to worry! Sorry I've been quiet for awhile; ICCF 18 preparatory work, post-conference digestion, and helping the interns finish their experiments in a timely manner has me pretty spread out at the moment. Currently I'm looking at R3's AC frequency sweep data (c. 7/17) and tossing some graphs together. I'm slated to publish a blog here today (hopefully).

The nanotech team at SKINR lab (U of MO) are Pd-C nanotube-Pd sandwiches to make use of the nanotube layer's hydrogen storage capacity. Bob pointed out the parallel this had with our C deposition layer on Celani wire after the addition of acetone (via Celani's recommendation to do so). Graphene research is really hot right now, and I'm definitely a fan. Maybe we could turn a 40nm Ni cell in that direction. Do you have any literature for me to pour over?
0 #6 Charlie 2013-08-01 00:32
Please don't give up on the powder cells, I don't know how this experiment is set out but I imagine you are using nano powder,

I imagine like graphene these nano sized flakes can stick together and decrease your surface area.

I think Graphene would be interesting to play with in combination with powdered Nickel. I (having not followed the Celani experiments very closely), Wondered if Carbon could play a role in the effects seen from the Celani wire, maybe when heated can self graphitize on the wire and lower the resistance and somehow load or bond with hydrogen (the edges of graphite / graphene does have an affinity for that).
0 #5 Ryan Hunt 2013-07-16 15:41
That sure seems important to our discussion. George Miley has results along those lines, too. He was seeing ultra dense Hydrogen in lattice dislocations.
0 #4 arian558 2013-07-16 14:55
Look like hydrinos has been confirmed by scientists but no one noticed.

Ultra-dense rydberg matter of deuterium a million times more dense than frozen deuterium



And here is a paper that try explain experimental result this quotes from paper is interesting

“The superdense phase is formed in pores with Fe2O3 acting as a catalyst”

“If as reported the state of ultradense deuterium exists, and if it is sufficiently stable to exist long enough, it could become for the release of nuclear energy as important as was the discovery of nuclear fission by Hahn and Strassmann. It is the purpose of this note that on purely theoretical grounds an ultradense state of deuterium cannot be easily dismissed. ”

0 #3 Robert Greenyer 2013-07-12 09:55

In the first few weeks after ICCF17 I proposed it was down to Muons, we shall see.
0 #2 arian558 2013-07-12 07:40
Apparently lenr is combination of Pyroelectric_fu sion process and Rydberg matter result is a more efficient muon catalyzed fusion process .
0 #1 arian558 2013-07-12 05:59
Is lenr just a more efficient muon catalyzed fusion process ?

Muon-catalysed fusion by microwave ionization of a Rydberg atom.


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