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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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We re-ran the stress test on cell#1 this morning.

T_Well: 392.1564
T_Mica: 385.7398
T_GlassIn: 301.1618
T_GlassOut: 270.5273
Pressure: 102.0829
Ambient Air: 25.7966
Power on Red: 110.3075
Power on Blue: 116.0378
Total Power: 226.34 Watts
On Friday, the endpoint with the temperature sensors had a newer version of the firmware that would read about 10 degrees lower than actual.  Monday morning I reloaded the older, accurate, version of the firmware and then turned the power to maximum.  Above are the conditions taken as an average of 4 minutes at equilibrium.
Malachi Heder
R&D Intern
Hunt Utilities Group LLC
After that, we swapped out the test cell for test cell#2 and the newest instrumentation package.  It really looks streamlined. 
And the sensor connections are so tidy!
Last week we tried to use a CNC router to machine some 1/8" thick graphite gaskets for the second generation glass reactor.  More on that later.  Anyway, the gasket material is too flaky for that kind of working.  We will have to work out a punch for making them.
Any other suggestions for some gaskets to handle 500C and several bar of hydrogen and still have enough give to compress against a glass flange?

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0 #1 Ryan Hunt 2012-10-14 00:27
Thank you. I will look into it.

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