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Stress Test - Cell 1 - Pass!

Geschrieben von Ryan Hunt am .

In order to assure that the test cell can handle the maximum working conditions, we have to test it.  I am testing with Helium because it is just safer till we know it can handle the full range of temperatures and pressures we are planning to give it.
We had some problems with a power supply cutting out because the cooling fan had a wire blocking it.  After we figured that out we were able to continue.
Test cell 1 is currently at about 230 watts (maximum power with both wires engaged)  
T_Well: 385.7
T_Mica: 386.2
T_GlassIn: 294.0
T_GlassOut: 261.3
Ambient Air: 18.5
Pressure = 103 PSI
Power on Red wire:  110.6 W
power on Blue wire: 116.5 W
Total Power: 227.1 W
The O-rings are rated for 260C.  The electrical passthroughs are rated at 250 continual and 400 for brief periods.  I am assuming the effective temperature they see in the metal flanges is somewhat lower than the external glass temperature.    I have left it under these conditions for an hour, now with no loss of pressure or other issues.  
The top of the safety shield is roughly 45 C, so I can hold my hand on it, which is reassuring.  
In other news, the second instrumentation package (Serial number 0003 (0002 was sent with our programmer who works from home)) is totally assembled and will be paired with the second test cell Monday.

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0 #1 Ryan Hunt 2012-10-08 17:03
Woohoo! First Post! 8)
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