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A time sequence of the graphed data from the Residual Gas Analyser (RGA)

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After we saw some interesting data in our LENR-Cam cell in which the platinum had gotten warmer while the Silver did not, we decided to try out he new RGA and sample what gasses were in the cell. Over time we see the ratios change and the total levels come down. Most importantly, we see H20. http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/follow/general-updates/349-new-test-cell-rga-data-and-platinum-catalysis

Experiment Showcase MFMP US Lab

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A quick look at the location and environment the US tests are running in at HUG including the airflow around the V1.3 cells currently showing such interesting data.

Bank Account Certification

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It took a REALLY long time to set up the Kickstarter, but we didn't think the bank account would be a big deal. Boy were we wrong, they had a box for non-profit and a box for international organisation, but not one for both. So after a few weeks of debate with a nice banker who studied physics and was fascinated about our work, Julian had a meeting. The net result is he had to sign a bunch of stuff and then they sent it to Bob's office address in India for counter signing. Bob then had to...

SG Setup

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In this video you can see the improved experimental configuration for the differential Steel and Glass Dual Walled Celani cells. There are now stirers for the water, insulation for the water containers and the thermocouples are on floats amongst other improvements.

SG Setup

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In this video you can see the improved experimental configuration for the differential Steel and Glass Dual Walled Celani cells. There are now stirers for the water, insulation for the water containers and the thermocouples are on floats amongst other improvements.

High Temp Mizuno

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This video is about the manufacture of parts for a unique high temperature Mizuno type apparatus.

Singing Bowls

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This video is to show how a capable system can do nothing without appropriate stimulus. By making a very controlled environment that has the right physical structures and hydrogen absorption may not create a useful effect. Heat alone is also likely not enough to achieve anything, what is needed is some form of stimulus or shock and establishing the means to "trigger" reactions is a key part of on-going work. Discussion on this is being developed here: bit.ly/15jyh2H

Celani comments on Live Open Science

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After the coherence conference on the 14/12/12 in Rome, Francesco Celani took a few moments to share his thoughts on Live Open Science and the recently published findings of both STM and the MFMP. The wonderful ancient spiral pillar in Rome looks a little like the windings of the wire in the Celani cell and the Pantheon is a good reminder that if one builds something well, it will stand the test of time. Help us build an experiment that will stand up to all tests at any time.

We're all still here!

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As a new world is born out of the ashes of the old control paradigm, we need a liberating power to free us, to spare the planet from us and to give our children hope. Let's light the New Fire together.

Fun in the Lab

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The EU team decided that they wanted to have a bit of fun before the end of the world came and so they built a Mizuno style cell for Fun. In this video, various aspects of this type of experiment are discussed.

Part shielded tungsten welding rod and stainless steel mesh electrodes, Potassium Carbonate electrolyte, power.

Going Vertical

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We know you have asked for it, so the team in the US is delivering not 1, but 2 vertical cells.

Over the holiday weekend they'll be put through a rigorous calibration regime. Keep looking at the data.