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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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TOPIC: Suggestions

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#2 12 years 5 days ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Hi All,

What is needed is experiments that show significantly more energy out than in, are not just theory and are available to make and/or purchase and distribute to respected authorities for standardised tests.

I think these candidates spring to mind
  1. A variation of Celanis' Cell - able to be cost effectively made right now and even updated for higher temperature operation this is a good candidate.
  2. The latest Mitchell Schwartz / Jet Energy NANOR. If units could be purchased they would be easy to ship to qualified testing bodies and are seemingly easy to operate and do calorimetry on.
  3. Leonardo Corporations' E-Cat, If units could be purchased they would be easy to ship to qualified testing bodies and are seemingly easy to operate and do calorimetry on.

Additionally, it may be possible to purchase a 1MW unit from Leonardo Corporation and site it in some suitable location, like a War Veterans Hydro Therapy Rehabilitation Centre - that could be on a military base if needed to comply with legislation and or IP concerns of stakeholders. The unit would be required to be open to inspection from respected bodies for verification.

Please Suggest other viable options

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#3 12 years 5 days ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
I think another example that might be able to deliver is a version of the Brillouin Energy Boiler.

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#7 12 years 4 days ago

e-dog's Avatar
Karma: 0
Hi Bob.

Great site so far,
I would really like to suggest that the Pirelli-Hugo Abundo Athanor Hydrobetatron ( or what ever it is called ) Reactor be the prime focus for new fire replication.. for a few very good reasons.

the project is open source.
they are looking for people to do replications.
they are not looking to make a fast buck
they want help and are willing to help others
the instructions and methods are already published
the reaction is very simple and cheap to set up
they are broadcasting their results as soon as they can
they are not being deceptive or secretive

And .. on a personal note.. I wouldnt want any of my donated money going to Mr Roosi at the moment...

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#9 12 years 4 days ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Thankyou for making the suggestion and engaging in this effort.

We will put everyones suggestions and summary of supporting arguments into a questionnaire for contributors to vote on when the time comes.

There are several different approaches that result in anomalous heat and it might be prudent if the funds are raised to demonstrate 1 in each of tungsten, palladium and nickel.

Thank you again for your consideration.

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#17 12 years 3 days ago

ivancevallos's Avatar
Karma: 0
Celani, Reactor is simple, but the technology to get the wire preparation is not public and will be subject to patent, and may take months before this info is release, unless Celani confirms is able to share with the world, or at least provide say 1000 test wires.

Rossi. Still a dubious person, and He not open to independent testing.

Nanor. Little great device, I wonder if they could produce 1000 of this devices and put a cost price on it.

Bruillium, Seem lot more complex, I have never seen a demo from them, it may just be theory.

Hugo Abundo, Not as simple as Celani, but completely open all info disclosed and with only academic and no comercial interest. "I believe this will be the Ideal test to replicate" if Celani is not able to provide 1000 test wires.

I will like to do the replication myself I may be able to gather a group of engineers to work together.

We need to get all the details and try to provide a test kits, testers could buy it or get sponsors to but it.
We also need a control test kit, similar to the test but with no active component (If possible).

This will eliminate the need for calorimetry for public tests. as this is to complex for "Normal" humans so a more simple test, where you calibrate the input power in both devices to be equal.
say in Celani case, you have two glass cylinders with the same resistance each, the active wire should be designed to be interchangeable. then put them both close together, watt-meter for both to show input power, measure temp at center in the exterior of the cylinder. diff in temp show conclusively diff in output power, then change active wire to passive device, confirm diff in temperatures, the one that was active should lower and the new active should increase.
Ever the most skeptic Nuclear physic will have to accept this approach.
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#18 12 years 3 days ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Good points, clearly made. Thankyou.

We shall see as our approaches and discussions mature.

We need the experiments to be able to be standardised, delivered and the on test site, "turned on". They must run for long enough such that all other potential sources for the thermal output can be easily discounted.

This naturally excludes some of the candidates in play.

Reaching agreements with stakeholders may also exclude candidates.

With regard to Celani's Cell. There is an active and passive wire in the standard configuration. Controls are performed with the non-active wire and non loaded active wire and a range of atmospheres.

Hugo Abundos work is potentially a good candidate if it can meet the criteria. It might leave sceptics free reign over Ni - H systems, what do people think?

Thanks again

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#19 12 years 3 days ago

nicolas's Avatar
Karma: 0
I have replicated the first Athanor cell.
With some design errors as the powder went out of the cell and the plasma was not stable.
BTW, we need to fix the Attachment / Add File button which is not working.
Otherwise I could upload a picture if my replication.

Yes, the Ugo Abundo cell is an option but it would need to include a good solution to precisely measure the output power, which is not that easy with hydrolysis cells.

And handling the tungsten powered requires some precautions.

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#21 12 years 3 days ago

jfab's Avatar
Karma: 0
Last Edit: 12 years 1 day ago by jfab.
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#22 12 years 3 days ago

ivancevallos's Avatar
Karma: 0
I Believe Celani cell have the passive wire in the interior and the active close to the exterior,
I will design the passive wire in a not solid support and the active wire in the interior so it could be easily removed and changed to a twin cell.
about the hydrogen I will connect both to the same source so the pressure is the same; also we will need to have cut the supply of hydrogen to be able to interchange the active between the real and passive reactors.
I have never seen a demo with a control device in LENR tests, this also could be done with the NANOR.
The control device is the one that allow you to only measure the temperature, as the reactors must be equal in all respects, but only the active element will make the difference, as both devices are at the same location, the initial conditions, temperature, air conditioner etd are irrelevant, because both should be affected equally
You even can start the test with two passive reactors, and only add the active element after the measurements shows they are equal.
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#25 12 years 3 days ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Hi jfab,

Thank you for your offer of financial support.

When we launch the Kickstarter / IndiGogo, we hope that you can support the elected approach.

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