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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

Join us and become part of the project. Become one of the active commenters, who question our work and suggest next steps.

Or, if you are an experimenter, talk to us about becoming an affiliated lab and doing your work in a Live Open Science manner.

I have put together a full list of all the steps of the experiment in the document:

Full Experiment Data List - This document explains all the phases of the experiment with links to the pertinent blog entries and the raw data files.  

This should help those of you with questions about the bigger picture and where the experiment sits and what has been done.  Please ask for clarification so we can improve the document.

You can also find this in the Replicate => Initial Replication Experiment along with the rest of the details about the apparatus.

At this point, we have 2 Celani inspired test cells built, the second of which is completing its calibration before being sent to Europe. These are more advanced in that they are built with fused quarts to withstand higher temperatures and pressures.

It is open - we are sharing daily what we are up to and will publish reactor designs also.

The purpose of the first 2 reactors is to multiply replicate, within MFMP, Celani's work. This is due diligence - we need to be certain that our gen 2 reactors will work as described in the live experiments in a plug and play fashion. We will then work with respected bodies to design a reactor for multiple certified 3rd party replication that will silence the critics of the New Fire. The aim is to remove the barriers to investment in all areas of this technology. Once it is incontrovertibly proven - there will be a wall of private and government money flooding to anyone that has any experience in this field. We want to break the dam for everyone.

Post breaking the dam - or even if others break the dam, we aim to support participants and provide education to all of the tech and advance its dissemination and accelerate its adoption.

To clarify:

Our current path is as follows.

  1. Characterise wires with SEM before testing.
  2. Test the first two reactors in US and EU at the same time and with the same active and control protocols, drive, data acquisition and other emission monitoring to establish for ourselves that the effect is real and worth further exploration. The results will be made available very quickly if not live and available for all to analyse.
  3. Work with a respected body to assess more accurately the behaviour of the reactor/wires in the best way possible and cross correlate with our own measurement methodology.
  4. Analyse wires post reaction
  5. Use experience gained in 1 - 3 and the assistance of respected authorities in the field to develop an advanced higher temperature and pressure 2nd generation reactor with integrated approved calorimetry solution.
  6. Socially fund a significant number of these 2nd generation reactors that will be loaned for free to the most capable and respected institutions around the globe as recommended by respected persons and voted on by the contributors to the funding process.
  7. Send a media team to each location to live stream the installations and meet the scientists performing the standardised tests. The entire test configuration is plug and play and will publish data live to the web and tools will be made available to live analyse the data by anyone. The test will be required to be run for a set amount of time.
  8. Institutions will then have the option to further study the cell - they will have the option to use whatever equipment they choose and take it where they want to - pressure, temp, excitation, control, analysis etc. within the limits of the reactors design and at their own risk. They will however be required to publish all results openly via the MFMP.



Das "New Fire"

In den letzten Jahren wurden wissenschaftliche Experimente durchgeführt, die Hinweise auf eine unglaubliche, saubere und praktisch unbegrenzte neue Energiequelle für die Menschheit lieferten. Dem Effekt wurden verschiedene mehr oder weniger passende Namen wie "Kalte Fusion", LENR, CANR gegeben. Wir nennen es einfach "New Fire" denn, wenn es sich als real erweisen sollte, hat es das Potenzial, die meisten der heutigen fossilen Energieträger weltweit zu ersetzen.

Unsere Ziele

Unser Ziel ist es, die weltweite Wiederholung der New Fire Experimente, wie das des Francesco Celani, durch seriöse wissenschaftliche Institutionen zu ermöglichen und damit den Nachweis erbringen, dass das New Fire real existiert.

Our other videos

Gelingt der Nachweis, werden nach Jahren der Stagnation wieder öffentliche Fördermittel und privates Kapital für dieses Forschungsgebiet verfügbar. Dies führt zur Entwicklung vieler neuer und fantastischer Produkte die zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der gesamten Menschheit beitragen können.

Für eine ausführliche Einführung in das Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project:  MFMP Intro.

Unser Plan

Um die anhaltende Kritik der angestammten Physik an diesem Phenomen aus der Welt zu schaffen, setzen wir Alles daran, das Projekt so transparent und verständlich wie möglich durchzuführen. Wir wollen ein Projekt von Menschen für die gesamte Menschheit schaffen. Aus diesem Grund werden wir alle relevanten Informationen zum Prozess, den Bauplänen, den aktuellen Daten und den Resultaten hier veröffentlichen.  

Der andere Teil des Plans bist Du! Wir versuchen für dieses Projekt eine private Schwarmfinanzierung und ein öffentliches Design der Experimente zu erreichen. Durch die Power der Schwarmintelligenz hoffen wir außerdem auf eine kritische wissenschaftliche Diskussion der Daten und Überprüfung der Ergebnisse, praktisch in Echtzeit. Dies wird nur durch Euch und Eure Mithilfe möglich ! Sind wir uns zu 100% sicher, dass das New Fire existiert und sich nachweisen lässt? Nein. Trotzdem ist es aus unserer Sicht unausweichlich, den Versuch zu machen, die Existenz des New Fire unumstößlich nachzuweisen.

Geplante Schritte

Präsentation unseres Plans zur Wiederholung des Celani Experiments  

Details des ursprünglich geplanten Experiments

Blog unserer Experimente

Wie Du helfen kannst

  • Wir wollen Spendengelder sammeln um die in diesem Projekt entwickelten Geräte in Serie bauen zu können. Anschließend verteilen wir sie an zehn Forschungsinstitute zur Validierung der Ergebnisse.
  • Wir werden in Kürze eine Crowdsourcing Initiative ins Leben rufen. Näheres wird hier bekannt gegeben. Die Idee eines Basiswissenschaftlichen Ansatzes, der die bisherigen althergebrachten wissenschaftlichen Widerstände gegen das New Fire überwindet und die Realität des Effektes in das Blickfeld von populärer Wissenschaft und der Industrie rückt, ist mit der spannendste Teil dieses Projektes. Natürlich wäre es perfekt einen visionären Philantropen dort draußen zu finden, der das ungeheure Potential des New Fire erkennt und dieses historische Projekt als Ganzes finanziert :-)
  • Wir müssen es schaffen, die Existenz dieses Projektes öffentlich zu verbreiten! Lies diese Website, folge uns auf Twitter , like uns auf facebook oder erzähle es Deinen Freunden und Bekannten!
  • Folge unserem wissenschaftlichen Ansatz in unserem Blog, in dem wir versuchen, täglich unsere Fortschritte aber auch unsere Rückschläge möglichst lückenlos zu dokumentieren. Dort findest Du auch den direkten Link zu den live übertragenen Daten aller unserer Experimente.
  • Nimm an der Entwicklung unserer Experimente teil indem Du Vorschläge, Kommentare und eigene Analysen einbringst und Dich damit live an dieser neuen Form der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit beteiligst.
  • Wir benötigen Vorschläge, welche Forschungsinstitute wir an der zukünftigen Replizierung des New Fire beteiligen sollten. Frage Dich selber und Deine Freunde, wem man dies am ehesten zutraut.


For a few brief weeks in 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons’ announcement of Cold Fusion captivated the world like no other scientific breakthrough before or since has ever done.  

The promise of a clean, non-polluting energy source that could change the world erupted into the global consciousness.

Unfortunately, though, the effect was not as easy to replicate as it appeared, and replication is the key to science.  Within a few short months, three prestigious labs tried and failed, which has ever since relegated the whole concept of cold fusion to “junk science” to most people.  Almost all funding for the topic dried up and people who worked on it even risked ridicule and damage to their careers.

Not everybody gave up easy, though.  For the last 23 years, small groups of intrepid researchers around the world have been slowly building on Martin Fleischmann’s work.  This last August, just weeks after Martin Fleischmann died, an Italian physicist named Francesco Celani demonstrated a breakthrough experiment at two international conferences.  

Celani's experiment was simple to understand, transparent to look at, and seemed to clearly showed up to 40% more energy out of it than he put into it over a period of many days.

Many of us attending these conferences were absolutely convinced that this breakthrough had to be replicated and brought to the world’s attention.  
...And the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project was born!

The potential of this technology, which we are dubbing “The New Fire”,  to improve the way we live is just too important not to work towards.  We registered QuantumHeat.org, set up a place to share documents, and started crafting 3D CAD models of a replica reactor.

Our goal is to facilitate the wide-spread replication and publication of New Fire experiments, such as Francesco Celani's, at reputable research institutions around the world.  Once proven, research funds and private capital will flow into the field and result in some amazing, life saving, and life improving products.

To do this we need your help.

  • We need to raise the money to develop and distribute copies of this apparatus to ten research institutions around the world.  Donate here.
  • We will be setting up a Crowd-sourcing initiative soon.  It will be listed right here and elsewhere when we do.  The idea of a global, grass roots effort overcoming the institutional biases and bringing this to the attention of mainstream science and industry is so cool.  Of course, a visionary philanthropist who recognizes the potential of this and funds the whole historic initiative also makes a good story.
  • We need to get the word out that this project exists:  Check out our web page, Like us on facebook, tell your friends
  • Follow our progress on our Progress Blog where we will share day by day the achievements, the setbacks, and the data.
  • Contribute to the engineering by posting suggestions and comments.  Contribute to the science by adding suggestions about the experiment design and analyzing the data yourself.
  • We need suggestions for which research institutions should receive the first ones.  Ask yourself or your friends who would you trust to confirm that cold fusion is real.


Here is your generous contributions so far towards our $500,000 target, thanks everyone! : $45,020   Please Donate
See the current state of our booked costs here