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3 steps forward, one step back

Geschrieben von Ryan Hunt am .

We got the calibration for one wire done last night and we were onto the second wire before lunch.  After lunch we found the computer running it with a large puddle on its keyboard.  Luckily, Gavin was there to strip the whole computer down to the circuit boards, let it dry, and reassemble it.   By 2:30 were back in business.  Plus, Gavin wrote a calibration script to make it simpler to run one wire first, then prompt you to turn on the second wire and do it again, and finally, do it again with both wires on.

The Calibration we did get looked like this below.  I haven't even compared this one to the first cell, yet, in case anybody wants to take a look:


See the video

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0 #6 Ryan Hunt 2012-10-14 00:55
Here is our thinking on the issues you bring up:
1 - We do intend to replicate the effect ourselves to convince us that going further is warranted. However, other labs have just as much interest and many have way more accreditation. If other labs wish to buy a test cell and make their own attempt at it, it would only further our goal of helping bring this effect to the awareness of the world.
2 - The glass tube is ideal for doing demonstrations of the experiment simply because it makes the whole apparatus super understandable. We are working on a stainless version also, but the glass version is the first offering because it is more similar to Celani's apparatus.
3 - We are not guaranteeing the effect at this point. After we replicate it ourselves I would really like to get confident enough with it that I could guarantee that we can make the effect on demand.
4 - We do intend to collaborate with other institutions to try other types of calorimetry, and, hopefully, produce an upgraded demonstration or test kit with some other kind of calorimeter.

Our goal is to facilitate as many tests as possible and bring the effect to the awareness of the world. We are not the only parties interested in testing this. We don't have to prove it all alone. It'll be a global effort by the time we're done.
0 #5 Ecco 2012-10-13 18:32
Ok, now I understand (seen the latest video too here: www.youtube.com/.../ ).

By the way, personally I would advise to start making and selling kits only after all these steps have been completed:

1) Successfully replicated the effect as reported by Celani with exact replications of his reactor (in progress);

2) Got rid of the glass tube (using a full-metal construction instead) so that more resistant materials allowing higher temperatures and less chances of hydrogen leak could be used;

3) Verified that the excess heat effect shows with the improved reactor too;

4) Verified with flow calorimetry that the excess heat effect is real (with the improved full-metal reactor).

After Step 4 is performed the chance that the effect is an instrumental artifact will drop to near zero. At that point, universities and other mainstream institutions will want to check for themselves too.
0 #4 Ryan Hunt 2012-10-13 15:12
Ecco, that is a good observation. Thanks for pointing it out. That is a parameter in the stepping script that will be easy to change.
0 #3 Ryan Hunt 2012-10-13 15:08
It was actually a drip from the ceiling. I want to use a laptop to make the kit more portable. The laptop is included with the instrumentation package all preconfigured and ready to run.
0 #2 Ecco 2012-10-13 08:26
By the way, during the calibration, seeing the chart some of the power steps don't seem to have ended with a completely stabilized temperature; maybe it's worth to make them wait some more time?
0 #1 Ecco 2012-10-13 07:55
From now on: no drinking around computers. Or, better yet, use external keyboards (or desktop computers instead of laptops) so that the entire pc won't risk to be compromised if liquids spill over the keyboard

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