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How many live experiments?

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Today marks a milestone for MFMP - 4 simultaneous experiments with live streaming data!

In addition

  • The steel and glass cells are being prepped for another run
  • Mathieu has been working on the Mizuno type experiment
  • HUG is close to running 3 meters of Celani wire in a single LENR stick test cell inside a new water flow calorimeter
  • and powder reactor 5 is being prepped for a baseline loading test in the near future


And as if that wasn't enough excitement, we are all busy preparing for the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF18) where we will be talking, networking, and displaying samples of the apparatus you have seen us using over the past 10 months.  That conference will mark the first time our whole team has met face to face since we formed the MFMP at last year's ICCF in Daejong Korea.  Should be a good time!  Hope we see you there!




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0 #2 Dieter Seeliger 2013-07-03 14:42
I want to support ECCO
and in addition I think that there are too many different measuring principles involved which are used with the different setups.
Why not focusing on one elaborated and well known calorimetric measuring principle and try to adopt the
different cells.
The setups wouldd become much more comparable
and the calibration runs also.

Br Dieter
0 #1 Ecco 2013-07-01 21:50
I think I can say there are too many different ones for me to keep track of.

The powder cells expecially are completely different from the other tube+active wire experiments; I haven't invested too much time documenting myself about them, and there's not much incentive for me to do so since they're not replicating any known experiment in particular or being worked on with any specific hypothesis to test as far as I can see.

If it were a variation of the externally heated CTC cell (for example, with pure nickel wires instead of powders, like Piantelli's experiment but with wires instead of a metal bar), which allows high pressures and unifomly high temperatures, I would have followed that too, though.

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