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Stainless Steel and Glass Dual Walled Cells

Keep up to date with developments relating to the Celani inspired Stainless Steel and Glass Dual walled cells developed with support from donations and team resources.

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S&G Cells: Running again

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Nicolas Chauvin in Switzerland has re-built and re-built the Steel and Glass cells improving with each iteration.

Over the past several weeks, he has been calibrating them live on HugNet and preparing them for a live run.

This week he received new-generation Celani wires as will be discussed at ICCF19 and installed them. Thanks once again to Francesco for his generosity.

Loading has gone well, Nicolas says

"For the loading phase, it is 180 minutes at 18W input on each wire (36W total, internal temp ~ 285°C), then a relax period of 60 minutes at 3W to cool the wires down (6W total, cooling down to ~ 100°C).

This cycle of 180/60 min goes on for 24 hours (6 cycles)."

He reports around 20% change in resistance.

He is now stepping up the power, the logbook can be found here


the live data can be found here

HugNetLab - Choose Unit 1 and Unit 2

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0 #11 Ecco 2015-05-02 05:14
@Robert Greenyer: also see claims 7, 8, 9 in the Rossi patent you linked.
0 #10 Robert Greenyer 2015-05-01 19:59

Celani thinks the whole of LENR is now a function of Epicatalisis - he is seeing increasingly high currents from his wires, and only with passive heat application and an optimum H2 pressure domain.

These guys get it


I have envisioned a generator could be made of laminar rods treated to alternatively dissociate and re-associate H2 on oppositely doped substrates such to leverage the whole Seebeck effect in a sealed H2 atmosphere. A device of this type could be placed in a hot thing, such as a fire or a solar concentrator to generate electric power directly. Distance between disassociation and re-association plates will need to be relative to the gas used to avoid free re-association.

Some 7 years ago - I was told that they were developing exactly a device with this capability at the Vikram space centre in Kerala, southern India, but they did not explain how it was to be made. There appears to be a recent patent application on something similar.


Perhaps Rossi was exploring something similar when he chanced upon anomalous heat?


Could it be that highly localised re-associations on nano structures create sufficient non-equilibrium conditions to stimulate LENR?
0 #9 Ecco 2015-04-20 16:59
@Nicolas Chauvin: ok, I see. That's indeed consistent with the water level getting too low on cell #2. We'll see next round.
0 #8 Nicolas Chauvin 2015-04-20 16:25
Hi Ecco,

I need to fix the communicating vessel with cell#2 which apparently is not working seamlessly.
The water not flowing correctly in the communicating vessel could explain the cycle effect on cell#2.

Today (Mon, April 20, 2015) the water level in cell#2 was too low and too close to the top of the flange on the top of the cell. The bolts and Swagelok fittings are outside the water which introduce error in the water temperature measurements.

Please do not consider the TC_4 data of cell#2 as valid since April 20th 2015.

I will fix this as soon as possible.

0 #7 Ecco 2015-04-17 04:06
It looks like something might have indeed occurred during that spike (read my previous comment). Have a look at pressure and internal temperatures readings (in this graph, TC2 only) for Cell 2:

+1 #6 Ecco 2015-04-15 12:16
@Nicolas Chauvin: it's surely interesting that water temperature on Cell 2 is increasing so quickly, assuming that everything else has remained equal so far. It currently looks as if the apparent excess heat is increasing as time passes.


An interesting test could be slowly decreasing input power on Cell 2 so that water evaporation more or less matches that of Cell 1.

With my eye-o-meter I estimate there might be about 3W of excess heat, which would be a ~5% excess at the current power level.

EDIT: I see that the vacuum level in both cell's insulating vacuum chamber is increasing, which made me truly realize (and remember, from previous tests) how the S&G cells are actually constructed. This is causing internal temperatures to slowly drop over time as heat gets transferred more efficiently to the water - which could be the main reason why at least some of the apparent excess heat seems to be increasing over time. This being said, pressure is currently lower on Cell 2.

Over the past 24 hours:
Cell1: from 0.02438 bar to 0.03373 bar
Cell2: from 0.01949 bar to 0.02662 bar

EDIT 2015-04-16: update: i.imgur.com/IywAzk3.png

Internal cell temperatures still getting lower. I am not confident this is the result of excess heat increasing over time.

EDIT 2015-04-17: update:

0 #5 Nicolas Chauvin 2015-04-15 11:04
Hi Ecco,

I am not present in the experiment lab since I am in Padua for ICCF-19.

The cell#2 wires resistance is increasing slightly over time (H2 deloading ?) which decreases the cell#2 input power overtime. Currently, the two cells are driven at constant voltage.

The temperature slopes in cell#2 is apparently due to a faster evaporation of cell#2 water. The communicating vessel is providing additional water from the external water tank. It does so by burst apparently every 6 hours or so (when the water level difference between cell#2 or cell#1 with the external water tank creates enough pressure difference to overcome the friction in the water vessel).

The external tank is a ambient temperature, about 27°C. So, when additional water is added to cell#2, the temperature drops fast as we can see.

When I will be back in the lab, I will heat the water tank to about 50°C to have much less drop of temperature when new water is added.

I can also have cell#1 and cell#2 connected to different external tanks to confirm that there is more water evaporation from cell#2 compared to cell#1.

Anyway, I have never seen such fast increase of the water temperature as currently with cell#2 during the 6 weeks of calibration phase.
0 #4 Ecco 2015-04-12 14:48
It appears that input power on Cell 2 is decreasing over time. This could be one of the reasons why Cell 1 was catching up with water temperature during the previous input power step: i.imgur.com/3R475yU.png

EDIT: update - almost 0.7W down, but water in Cell 2 still ~0.45 °C warmer. i.imgur.com/mjl8iV2.png

EDIT 2015-04-14: updated graph:


From the experiment log:
2015-04-07-08:45 UTC The automatic water level system is still not working as expected. It seems to work with batch of water.
The tubes used might have a too small diameter which might prevent the correct equilibrium of pressure.
Each time a batch a fresh water is added to the cell's vase, the water temperature is reduced by at least 1.0°C.
I guess it's still not working as expected.
0 #3 Ecco 2015-04-12 12:26


I tried computing the difference between water temperature thermocouples. I see it takes a very long time for water temperature to stabilize.
0 #2 Nicolas Chauvin 2015-04-12 08:10
Hi Ecco,

Yes, TC_5 is measuring the cabinet air temperature.
It is located inside the cabinet, attached on the left side of it, and placed at the same position for both setups.

About calibration, it has been running for 3-4 weeks now at different input power, with two identical setup.
When the water level is the same between both cell, TC_4 measurement error between the two setup is typically below 0.3°C of several days. At 50W input power, 0.3°C in the water temperature corresponds to 500mW of output heat.
+1 #1 Ecco 2015-04-12 04:26
This looks like it will be a nice experiment if it's correctly calibrated.

Where is TC_5 located? EDIT: it appears it's cabinet air temperature, according to the experiment log.

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