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Sunwon Park wants to see new technologies set free to help the world.

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Sunwon Park was Chairman of both the Energy, Environment, Water and Sustainability "EEWS" workshop that preceded the ICCF-17 and the main conference itself. He was instrumental in putting together a smooth as clockwork event that really showed that LENR is real and can make a real difference to the world.

Celani Reactor - An informal look

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At ICCF-17, attendees had the opportunity to see a working reactor up close and examine and challenge it over several days, exposing its creator to in depth questioning. This is one of the options for replication. There is some interesting things to see in this video if one looks close enough.

Frank Gordon lends his support to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

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Frank Gordon lends his support to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project. Frank has played a major role in some of the best research published in this field and is keen to see its potential realised. He was one of the ICCF-17 conference chair persons and gave its plenary lecture entitled "Cold Fusion - From the Laboratory to the World" He is Senior VP of Global Energy Corporation.

Dr. Michael McKubre lends his support to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project.

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Dr. Michael McKubre lends his support to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project. Mike is well known and respected scientist in this field. Amongst several other roles at ICCF-17, he presented a workshop on "Phase Change Calorimetry of Palladium and Nickel Wires Highly loaded with Deuterium and/or Hydrogen"

Jed Rothwell comments on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project.

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Jed Rothwell lends his support to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project. Jed has tirelessly collated an on-line treasure trove of papers at LENR-CANR.org If you want to get up to speed on the efforts of research around the world in this field, head over to his site to discover that the future is brighter than you think.