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Alumina in kiln

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This instructional video shows: - the accuracy of temperature measurement of the Williamson Pyrometer, regardless of the apparent emissivity ( or signal strength ). This can be seen by the pyrometer giving basically the same temperature measurement as the kilns K-Type thermocouple regardless of when looking through the portal or with the door open. - coils in the kiln appearing darker when they are not actively being driven to the same or higher temperature as the alumina based insulation in the kiln. This can be seen when the kiln door is open and the power has been switch off to the heater coils. In the test we can see what happens to the "signal strength" when the same alumina the dog bones were cast from is measured when at temperature in a kiln that is fully at the same temperature, and when it is exposed to cooler air. In both situations the Williamson performs well.