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Saggyness Full

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Did we bend a dog bone? The above video clearly shows visually the fin temperature variation across a wide range of temperatures. In the "Glowiness" video, we described how we were going to test a "fake lenr core" inside a "fat coil" dog bone to explore the questions raised in the Lugano report on the issue of "was the hot core shining through the heater coils or was it the coils themselves glowing brighter". http://youtu.be/CMToFnXxhOE The recorded live stream of the whole event is here: http://youtu.be/O6m884fr198 Nearing the end of the test, when we were achieving extremely high internal temperatures, Alan Goldwater suggested that the dog bone was sagging in the middle. Well this video might just prove him right! Here is a separate video showing the displacement change as the reactor cooled down. http://youtu.be/gMLJW_Z2tfw This raises a number of thoughts: 1. Was this why the centre of the Lugano reactor had support 2. If so, were they expecting these kind of temperatures and higher in the core? 3. Was it gravity or coil expansion driving this? 4. Does this have implications for failure modes and reactor designs?