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A time sequence of the graphed data from the Residual Gas Analyser (RGA)

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After we saw some interesting data in our LENR-Cam cell in which the platinum had gotten warmer while the Silver did not, we decided to try out he new RGA and sample what gasses were in the cell. Over time we see the ratios change and the total levels come down. Most importantly, we see H20. http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/follow/general-updates/349-new-test-cell-rga-data-and-platinum-catalysis

After we saw some interesting data in our LENR-Cam cell in which the platinum had gotten warmer while the Silver did not, we decided to try out he new RGA and sample what gasses were in the cell. Over time we see the ratios change and the total levels come down. Most importantly, we see H20. http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/follow/general-updates/349-new-test-cell-rga-data-and-platinum-catalysis