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Site translations

Scritto da Robert Greenyer on .

If you have the ability to help people in your native tongue get to grips with the science, history and goals of the MFMP, please consider helping us translate the site.

All of the backend stuff to enable this has been in place for months, we now need a lot of help with the translations. We would like at least two or three people per language to ensure good quality. We can implement individual pages as they are done, so probably better to get individual pages fully reviewed before moving on unless you happen to be the first translator.

If someone can offer another language, please request it at the bottom.

If you want to take part in the translations, request access to the document from within the document or in the mini-project comments.

Click on the links below to gain access to the live documents.

Italian French Spanish German Korean Your language  
Chinese Hindi Russian Japanese Arabic Your language  

For now we will be keeping the discussion forum and blog comments as English to avoid fragmentation of engagement and potential for loss of ideas. We may seek translation of key blog posts though.

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0 #22 Robert Greenyer 2013-06-13 19:39

Have we managed to fix your french issue?

0 #21 Pelluet 2013-04-19 10:40
Quoting Robert Greenyer:
After resolving a major problem with comments, we are starting to implement languages. The first 3 pages on the site are now in German and Italian!

Thanks again to those people that helped!

Hi Robert,
for your info, your php detects the langage we have set in our browers ... so actually when it detects French , we jump on the 404 page.
0 #20 Robert Greenyer 2013-04-18 18:23
After resolving a major problem with comments, we are starting to implement languages. The first 3 pages on the site are now in German and Italian!

Thanks again to those people that helped!
0 #19 Robert Greenyer 2013-04-08 22:23
My business partner, Ian Childers has managed to tweak some PHP for the site to allow the translations to be enabled without breaking jcomments, so hopefully we will start to see some translations on the site in the next few days.
+1 #18 Sergio Bacchi 2013-04-08 19:45
I want to collaborate in the translation of the page into brasilian portuguese.
I also will be able to participate in the discutions of the experiments, I am ingeneer in electronic.
Sergio Bacchi
0 #17 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-13 20:38
@Dieter Seeliger

No worries. My business partner should start on this in next few days (hopefully!)
0 #16 Dieter Seeliger 2013-03-13 12:55
@Robert Greenyer,
I used Joomla some years ago, for a very small site but I think I cannot do this job, as I`m not professional enough with this CMS.

Br Dieter
0 #15 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-12 20:44
@Dieter Seeliger

So, now comes the layout of the pages. with the translated text, that is a whole new job! Anyone used Joomla before?
+1 #14 Dieter Seeliger 2013-03-12 11:33
OK, Now I completed the document, so we will be ready to publish the German translation.
0 #13 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-12 00:21
@Dominik Eckelmann

Thanks again for you hard work. I have re-worded the sentence referred to by Dieter.
0 #12 Dominik Eckelmann 2013-03-11 22:22
I'm now ready with it.
If someone knows better than me with the "," or has found something else then have a try.

Dieter, the last comments for you to check.
Bob, there is one comment at the bottom of the text from Dieter for you
0 #11 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-11 17:22
@Dieter Seeliger


Discussion and Donors does not need to be translated.
0 #10 Dieter Seeliger 2013-03-10 02:58
@Robert Greenyer,
thank you for the flowers :-)

I don`t know if the translation is complete. I did not try to translate the Discussion and Donor text because in my opinion these pages should stay in English.
0 #9 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-10 00:32
@German Team

Really awesome work guys, In a few days, my web developer will be in the UK and hopefully he can spare time to start putting in this language translation. It looks like German will be the first localisation of the site!

Well done!
0 #8 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-10 00:29
@Darshan Singh

Hindi and 'Punjabi' would be really awesome. Even better if you can put together a team!

There are two easy ways to request access to the document.

1. Set up a GMail account, log in. Go to the read only version - in the top right there is a button where you can request access to the document.

2. Alternatively, you can use the green + tab on the right of the page now to email a request to be added to the document / request new languages. We will then give you edit rights. Don't forget to include your GMail account address.

Thanks again - we think it is vitally important that major Indian languages are represented.
0 #7 Dieter Seeliger 2013-03-09 22:20
Hi Dominik,
no problem, Rome wasn`t built in one day :-)
Thank`s for your help !!!
0 #6 Dominik Eckelmann 2013-03-09 20:04
Hey Dieter,

I will. I think I will need some more days to complete due to other things but I'm on it.
0 #5 Dieter Seeliger 2013-03-09 16:18
Hello Team,
I think I finished most of the site translation, there is only one small question left. (My comment on the last page)
Now I`m waiting for Dominik to complete the proofread.
Please check, if I have missed something and leave me a message.
Br Dieter
0 #4 Darshan Singh 2013-03-08 18:36
I can try to translate in Hindi (not hindu) and Gurmukhi (script for Punjabi). The documents are view only for me.
Since no scientific literature is ever written in hindi and gurmukhi, the scientific terms will appear as they are in english.
0 #3 Robert Greenyer 2013-03-04 23:20
There is another page in the German doc for you guys to sink your teeth into.