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Welcome to our Progress Blog

Scritto da Ryan Hunt on .

The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has been working in conjunction with Hunt Utilities Group LLC in Pine River, Minnesota to develop a suitable apparatus to be able to replicate the Celani wire experiment.  This blog will highlight important steps in the development of this set up.

Francesco Celani's demonstration device is pictured below at ICCF-17 in Daejong Korea on Aug 15, 2012.  The core of it consists of a glass tube that contains two tiny wires wrapped around mica supports all in a hydrogen atmosphere.

The various plumbing attachments to the left of the glass tube are the bulky power and instrumentation connections.

In the picture below, we see the full apparatus on the display table including the sizable instrumentation package.  

This is what we want to replicate with a few small improvements.

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